
PersonnelKimia Mostaghimi

Kimia Mostaghimi


Kimia completed a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Bu-Ali Sina University in Iran. Kimia’s undergraduate thesis was in waste management with a focus on waste minimization and cleaner production. Kimia aimed to expand their knowledge in handling waste generation throughout the process of production, manufacturing, and distribution. Their thesis also explored the harmful environmental impacts of waste and the different ways of disposing of it. Kimia has since extended their investigation into waste management and is looking forward to publishing a comprehensive research paper in the near future. Kimia is currently pursuing a Master of Engineering degree at Dalhousie University and has recently joined the METR project to study the maximum expected time to rescue vessels in the Canadian Arctic as part of their future research.

Research Interests

  • Environmental risk analysis and management
  • Lean manufacturing, waste management, and waste minimization
  • Marine risk and safety
  • Climate change and its effect on maritime transportation
  • Greenhouse gas emission
  • Decision support systems
  • Operations research and optimization
  • Closed-loop supply chain management and reverse logistics
  • Simulation modeling and analysis